Center of Data Science and Complexity for Society

Sapienza University of Rome - Department of Computer Science  

Dati, Società e Politica.

Presentazione del CDCS Sapienza.

Tavola rotonda a tema Dati, Società e Politica.

Disinformazione, impatto economico delle scelte di policy, flussi di informazioni, l'andamento della pandemia, le nuove frontiere della medicina e della sanità sono temi già da tempo al centro del dibattito contemporaneo...continua a leggere

Il video della presentazione è disponibile qui.


Our goal is the data-driven modeling, assessment, and validation of social and politically relevant issues, such as misinformation, the economic impact of policies, information fluxes, pandemic trends, new frontiers in medical sciences, and the healthcare system through big data analysis.  

Specifically, concerning information and misinformation in the media environment, we research innovative tools to tackle issues originated by fake news, debunking, echo-chambers, and polarization, employing quantitative methodologies and developing specific and dedicated algorithms.

We are also committed to the dissemination of scientific results to non-specific audiences.

Walter Quattrociocchi
Antonio Scala
Matteo Cinelli
Alessandro Galeazzi
Gabriele Etta
Michele Avalle
Shayan Alipour
Lorenzo Alvisi
Anita Bonetti
Emanuele Sangiorgio
Saverio Storani

CDCS Sapienza

Sapienza University of Rome
Dept. of Computer Science